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The base URL for endpoints described in this page of live trading API is
Definitions for requests and responses can be found in the Trade OpenAPI Document.
Further specifics for field enums, reject codes, etc. can be found in the Trade API Websocket Documentation.
Endpoints in this section require Authentication headers. Note that only API keys with access-level WRITE
are able to access any of these endpoints.
The subaccount to cancel orders for.
A request ID that is echoed back on the MassCancelAck and individual CancelOrderAck's.
If specified, only orders on the corresponding market will be canceled.
If specified, only orders with this side will be canceled.
A unique order ID assigned by the client for this order. The ID must be unique among open orders by this subaccount.
A request ID that is echoed back on the NewOrderAck or NewOrderReject
Required for LIMIT orders.
The subaccount to place this order on. This subaccount must be writable by the API key specified in the Credentials message.
If true, this order will be automatically cancelled after the closure of the network connection between Cube's servers and the client that placed the order.
If the client initiates the disconnect or network instability drops the connection, the order will be cancelled when Cube's servers recognize the disconnection.
In the event of a server-side disconnect that causes a halt in trading, such as scheduled downtime, the order will be cancelled before trading resumes.
The quantity of the quote asset that the user wants to spend (for a BID) or receive (for an ASK). For limit orders, this is immediately converted to a base quantity using the provided price. For market orders, this is the maximum quantity that will be executed.
Note that lot size rules will be respected, and the actual quantity executed will be expressed in base quantity units.
The order ID specified by the client on the NewOrder request.
A request ID that is echoed back on the CancelOrderAck or CancelOrderReject
The subaccount that the NewOrder was placed on.
The order ID specified by the client on the NewOrder request.
A request ID that is echoed back on the ModifyOrderAck or ModifyOrderReject
The subaccount that the NewOrder was placed on.